Samtykkeblanketten skal ikke sendes til Nationalt Genom Center men til den rekvirerende læge, der har underskrevet erklæringen.
Samtykkeblanket til patienter
Er du blevet tilbudt genetisk undersøgelse i forbindelse med fosterdiagnostik, skal du bruge nedenstående samtykkeblanket.
Samtykkeblanket i forbindelse med fosterdiagnostik
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing
The consent form must not be sent to the Danish National Genome Center, but to the requesting doctor who signed the declaration.
Consent form for patients
If you have been offered a genetic test in connection with prenatal testing, you must use the consent form below.
Consent form in connection with prenatal testing